Tuesday, February 28, 2012


...form signing party!!

Hello and happy Tuesday climbers!

In case you haven't seen a competitor from this last weekend, Sonoma was a blast. There were a lot of people and a lot of really fun climbs. Our very own vice president extraordinaire, Alex Biale, took first place overall!

We are having our general meeting in the usual place and time this week, building 22 room 211, 11am on Thursday.

This week's meeting is going to be a little different, and a lot more productive. Read carefully, this stuff is important.

If you want to travel with the Cal Poly Climbers this year, you MUST
attend Thursday's meeting. We will be filling out travel forms so that
we don't have to scramble to collect each time we leave town. Even if
you are unsure about traveling, come and fill out the forms. This way
you will have the option to travel to competitions and other events,
but aren't committed to anything.

Make sure you bring the following:

-Health Insurance card if you have it
-Emergency contact info
-Photocopy of your drivers license
-Cal Poly ID number found on your portal
-A Pen
-A friend
-A smile!

You don't need to bring the forms, we'll have them printed out
already. This applies to EVERYONE, including those of you that just
did this. And seriously, even if you are totally unsure about
competing, come and fill out the forms so that you have the option.

Also, if you can't make it to Thursday's meeting, let Jason know (jason21morgan AT gmail . com), and he will get them to you. Happy climbing!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sonoma Wrap-Up

This weekend the Cal Poly Climbers traveled up to Sonoma State University for the first competition of the 2012 Collegiate Climbing Series season.  Seven club members made the trek up north.  We enjoyed a delicious pre-competition breakfast, which was lovingly prepared by Alex's parents.  Thanks so much!  The competition was packed with climbers from many schools all over California and Nevada in attendance.  We all had a great time trying the new problems that were set for the competition.  After all was said and done, our very own Alex walked away with 1st place in the men's division.  Great job everyone!  We look forward to seeing everyone this coming Saturday, March 3 at SLO Op for an AMAZING competition!  Pre-register here to make sure you get a t-shirt.  See you on Saturday! 

Tired after a full day of CRUSHING!
A little washed out, but a great looking team nonetheless
Don't forget to take care of your skin!

Friday, February 17, 2012

First Competition!

Hello and happy Friday climbers!

Our first CCS competition is quickly approaching, next Saturday. If
you want to compete, you MUST fill out the forms below and get them to
an officer by TUESDAY!  You must print and complete the two forms
under the section titled "each member attending must complete:"


Also if you have a car and would be willing to help with carpools,
please send CPC President, Jason Morgan, an email (jason21morgan@gmail.com) and also fill out the driver forms.

This is super exciting! Tell your friends, get them stoked! Sonoma will be a great comp : )

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

CCS Registration

Registration for USA Climbing's Collegiate Climbing Series (CCS) is now OPEN! 

Click this link, or the link in the schedule on the left side of this page to register at the USA Climbing site. 

This is a great opportunity for climbers of ALL LEVELS. Anyone can compete in the CCS as long as you are a valid student of an accredited College or University, such as Cal Poly (Undergrad or grad student). Cost is a mere $25. Make sure to choose Cal Poly and Cal Poly Climbers as your school and team. You can put down CCS President, Jason Morgan, as the "coach."

If you're unsure about what all of this means, we'll be explaining more about CCS in our future meetings. Don't forget, our competition held at SLO-OP Climbing is coming up on March 3!